[Shuffle Network] Skinny Body Care: 116 NEW Distributors


In the past 2 weeks of November
I have personally converted 36
of my BMOB leads into Preferred
Customers and 12 of them went on
to become Distributors.

Those 12 DISTRIBUTORS have begun
using BMOB leads on my tip and
have collectively brought in
325 new Preferred Customers which
turned into 116 Distributors.

I am simply astounded by the magic
that happens when you wire BMOB
leads into your team, especially
for a program like Skinny Body Care.

===> http://www.boostmyonlinebiz.com/?rid=faith

All you have to do is join BMOB,
get your first set of 80 leads
and send them an ad promoting
Skinny Body Care, or ANY program
you may be promoting.

I've been doing this for MONTHS
and have brought in hundreds of
new sales for dozens of my

SBC just happens to be whats
converting best AT THIS MOMENT.

It all began with a click :)

===> http://www.boostmyonlinebiz.com/?rid=faith

You'll thank me when you're at
the top! :)

Faith Mcdowell
email faithbasedadvertising@gmail.com

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