take a look at a mailer with over 100 sites

you can now with this mailer keep track of most of your sites at one mailer. She will mail for you and keep track of your credits. This is the only site of this kind online. I would not even want to learn how she does it. You can keep track of your credits and she will take care of all of it. do in ten minutes what would of taken all day before if not longer. You have to keep track of your sites anyway, so you might want to get it all done...


Click This Link To Earn Credits:
-> http://redstagmailer.com/credit_click.php?userid=5218&openkey=n5wpgk6d

Click This Link To Report Abuse:
-> http://redstagmailer.com/reportabuse.php?userid=5218&openkey=n5wpgk6d

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